Train schedule from Jakarta Pusat Gambir ( GMR ) to Yogyakarta Yogyakarta ( YK ) station

List of Indonesia trains serving from Jakarta Pusat Gambir ( GMR ) to Yogyakarta Yogyakarta ( YK ) station and also their departure & arrival time:

Nama Kereta Keberangkatan Kedatangan
Argo Dwipangga - KA 10 08:00 09:21
Taksaka - KA 52 08:30 16:25
Argo Dwipangga - KA 10 F 10:00 17:29
Bima - KA 44/45 16:30 00:40
Gajayana - KA 42 17:40 01:47
Argo Lawu - KA 8 20:15 03:48
Taksaka - KA 54 20:45 04:15
Argo Lawu - KA 8 F 21:15 04:58


At we can easily search train travel routes in Indonesia, such as trains departing from the Jakarta Pusat Gambir ( GMR ) station. Please choose the train that will go to the Yogyakarta Yogyakarta ( YK ) station, whether the economy, business or executive class trains, depends on the conditions, needs or interest of each of us.

People travels from the Jakarta Pusat Gambir ( GMR ) to Yogyakarta Yogyakarta ( YK ) for various reasons such as work, sightseeing/recreation, business trips or family matters. Some of us are working in a city that is different from where we live so that within a certain period of time we routinely go home to meet the family.

The train is the most appropriate public transportation for short and long distance travel. Currently, there are enough train travel schedules, and we can choose certain trains, for example, trains departing from Jakarta Pusat Gambir ( GMR ). Besides being safer and more comfortable, train ticket prices also compete compared to private vehicles. The train also provides the best facilities and services for its users, such as comfortable waiting room service at each station, online train ticket purchase, independent check-in service, free toilet at the station, and a variety of local food menus that we can order on the train.

For those of you who will travel to Yogyakarta Yogyakarta ( YK ), currently, there are several train class options available, namely executive, business and economy classes with prices that vary according to the distance and class.